10 Continuous Integration (CI)

10.1 What is CI?

Work in progress.

If you know that you want Travis CI to skip a build (e.g., you’ve just edited the ReadMe file), include [ci skip] or [skip ci] anywhere in the commit message.

You can skip to build in Travis CI by putting keywords [skip ci] or [ci skip] in your commit messages. This can be used when doing minor changes such as fixing a typo in documentation,etc.

10.1.1 tic Installation with R Studio.


then A GITHUB_PAT needs to be set to create the SSH key pair required for deployment on GitHub Actions. Please call usethis::browse_github_pat(), follow the instructions and then call use_tic() again.

run usethis::browse_github_pat() This will open your github tokens page,may ask for your password. Generate the token with default settings provided and copy the token. Now run usethis::edit_r_environ(). This will open .Renviron file of your project and now write GITHUB_PAT=you_token_key_here. Make sure you add an empty new line below that line. Save the file. Restart R for changes to take place. for new user of tic

Run tic::use_tic()

If you already use tic and want to configure a new CI provider do the following For GitHub Actions

tic::use_ghactions_deploy() # (optional for deployment)
## i Querying GitHub deploy keys from repo.
## √ Setting active project to 'C:/Users/tomer/Google Drive/repo-repo/bdverse-dev-guide@tom-gu'
## > Deploy keys for GitHub Actions already present. No action required.
tic::use_ghactions_yml() # optional: Change `type` arg to your liking
## i Please comment in/out the platforms you want to use in
##   .github/workflows/tic.yml.
## Call `usethis::edit_file('.github/workflows/tic.yml')` to
## open the YAML file.
## i Writing .github/workflows/tic.yml.
## v Below is the file structure of the new/changed files:
## bdverse-dev-guide@tom-gu
## \-.github
##   \-workflows
##     \-tic.yml
cat(tic::use_tic_r("package", deploy_on = "ghactions"))
## -- tic.R --
## √ Leaving 'tic.R' unchanged
# (all of the above in one call)
tic::use_tic(wizard = FALSE, linux = "ghactions", mac = "ghactions",
windows = "ghactions", matrix = "ghactions", deploy = "ghactions")
## > Welcome to tic!
## -- Introduction: -------------------------------------------
## tic currently comes with support for four CI providers:
## * Appveyor
## * Circle CI
## * Travis CI
## * GitHub Actions
## There is no need to use all of them. You can choose which
## one(s) you want to use, whether you want to deploy (i.e.
## push from builds) and if you want to test on multiple R
## versions.
## We recommend the following setup:
## * Travis CI: Linux
## * Travis CI: macOS
## * Appveyor: Windows
## -- Setting up the CI providers -----------------------------
## Next we are getting the selected CI providers ready for
## deployment. This requires some interaction with their API
## and you may need to create an API token.
## i Querying GitHub deploy keys from repo.
## > Deploy keys for GitHub Actions already present. No action required.
## -- Creating YAML files... ----------------------------------
## -- Travis CI --
## <U+221A> OK
## -- Circle CI --
## <U+221A> OK
## -- Appveyor CI --
## <U+221A> OK
## -- GitHub Actions --
## i Please comment in/out the platforms you want to use in
##   .github/workflows/tic.yml.
## Call `usethis::edit_file('.github/workflows/tic.yml')` to
## open the YAML file.
## i Writing .github/workflows/tic.yml.
## v Below is the file structure of the new/changed files:
## bdverse-dev-guide@tom-gu
## \-.github
##   \-workflows
##     \-tic.yml
## <U+221A> OK
## -- tic.R --
## √ Leaving 'tic.R' unchanged
## * Done! Thanks for using tic.
## i Consider also to take a look at `tic::use_update_tic()` to update
##   your GHA YAML file via GHA. This way, your template always gets
##   updated automatically with new template changes.
## Warning: Multiple github remotes found. Using origin.
## > Added new file:
## bdverse-dev-guide@tom-gu
## \-.github
##   \-workflows
##     \-update-tic.yml
## i Note that you need to add a secret with 'workflow' scopes named
##   `TIC_UPDATE` to your repo to make this automation work. You can use
##   `tic::gha_add_secret(<secret>, 'TIC_UPDATE')` for this.

You can use usethis::edit_file('.github/workflows/tic.yml') to edit the tic file and comment out platforms. ## Why we need it?

10.2 bdverse CI strategy