3 Command line operations

3.1 Load package

Load the bdDwC package


3.2 Darwinizing a dataset

bdDwC contains Indian Reptile dataset bdDwC:::dataReptiles.

The function to Darwinize a dataset isdarwinizeNames (replace bdDwC:::dataReptiles with wanted dataset):

result <- darwinizeNames(dataUser = bdDwC:::dataReptiles,
                            dataDWC   = bdDwC:::dataDarwinCloud$data)

You can replace bdDwC:::dataReptiles with your dataset

Rename your dataset field names to Darwinized names using renameUserData:

renameUserData(bdDwC:::dataReptiles, result)

3.3 Updating the Darwin Cloud dictionary

To get newest version of Darwin Cloud Data run:


which will download data from the remote repository and extract field and standard names.